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Creativity Consultant

Individual Coaching


Kickstarter Campaigns

Lets tap into Your creativty


If you have an idea in you that you want to develop... that may be a novel, a play, an organization, I truly enjoy the process of supporting people's process of identifying the core essence of what they want to create, and then developing the strategy and plan for how to how to accomplish it.



Lets launch that project

We are a rare breed, the fire starters. I've had the opportunity to launch several creatvily based organizations and produced large and small productions. I know what it takes from managaging your paper work to start an LLC, to creating an advisory counsil for a grant, to assembling the best team to suceed at accomplishing your vision to launching that kick ass social media strategy. I have also sucessfully funded two of my own kickstarter campaigns and advised on a campaign for a feature length film. Lets do it!














Workshops are just plain fun


After working in the non profit and tech industries, I understand the importance of creative thinking. These workshops support the increase of productivity in the work place by developing team building skills, thinking outside the box, and communications skills. These are very fun ways to get your company to have a major breakthrough when addressing some of the same old problems.

Strategy and Community Engagement for Film

I’ll never forget the day when Mark Shelley, producer of Strange Days on Planet Earth said, “We used to think that making a good film would motivate people to change their behavior…now we know that good stories aren’t enough.”


I love the game of  tapping into the intention and purpose of a project and inspiring unsuspecting audiences to engage and get involved. One of my biggest pet peeves is watching organizations and storytellers with beautiful visions not accomplish their goals because they don’t understand how to mix the ingredients of community organizing and mobilizing, social media and powerful storytelling. I have created and/or implemented social action campaigns for the following films:


American Black Out
The Mystery of Love
Food Inc.
The Greater Good
The Second Day
Call of Life
Strange Days on Planet Earth

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"Leah is tireless in her pursuit of sharing ideas and creating a dialogue. Her story-telling is imaginative and truly compelling - her voice engaging and truthful. There’s a spark in her that inspires those around her and draws people to her. I am fortunate to have been on the receiving end of her generosity and feedback."


-Charles de Montebello Founder, CDM Studios



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