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Solstice Gift: Sacred Reciprocity

The Summer Solstice is one of my favorite holidays. It is the longest day of the year, a moment of exhaltation, a moment of saying, "Wow, we made it! Let's celebrate! We weathered the storms, we planted the seeds, and we tended and watered through thick and thin, and now on this day we get to revel in the summer, eat berries out of the garden, shed our layers, and be free in the light of day."

And then, the very next day the sun will begin to wane yet again and the cycles will begin to shift as the days become shorter as we make our way toward fall and winter.

To honor the cycles and feed the sacred soul of this work I am throwing the doors open to Sacred Reciprocity and the Gift economy for the week of the summer solstice.

If you're scratching head saying, "What on earth do you mean?" Jamie K. Reaser describes the essence sacred reciprocity is of ‘ayni'. "Ayni emerges out of a universal perspective in which importance is placed on the relational flow of energy as a process of establishing and maintaining balance. Ayni can be seen as a code of conduct – a sacred agreement to engage in a balanced exchange between self and other. What is given may not be anywhere near as important as how it is given. In ayni, it is the heart that counts. Ayni can be established among people, between humans and all other beings, and between all beings and the animate Cosmos."

It is also known as the gift economy, an exchange of energy where we give ourselves the opportunity to consider what it is we have to give, and what we want to give. That may come through a monetary exchange, or it might arrive in the form of something else.

All Soul Story apointments that are scheduled* between now and the Summer Solstice will be paid in Sacred Reciprocity, meaninging, you decide the price and how you will make your offering.

I am so very excited to step into the sacred ways with you through this offering.

* Appointments need to be scheduled by 21st, but they don't need to take place by the 21st.

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